Frequently asked questions
What does a typical day and week look like?
Although each day is different, we typically spend five to six hours in the studio, from Monday to Friday. Students are free to utilize the studios from 8 AM to 6 PM every day.
Is transportation included?
Because participants come from all over the world, transportation is not included. Once arriving at the airport, there are many ways to get into the city, and we will be happy to provide information about those options.
When should I book my travel arrangements?
We will notify participants when each course has reached its minimum number of participants, at which point we recommend booking travel as soon as possible.
Are meals included?
We do not include meals and we recommend students take advantage of the opportunity to explore that aspect of the city. We will provide a recommended list of places to eat.
May I receive a refund if I must cancel?
Full refunds are not available once a course reaches its minimum number of participants. In addition, once the course is running, other students will be purchasing airfare, and we cannot cancel. If a course does not meet its minimum number of registrations you will receive a full refund.
Can I buy my art materials in Gothenburg?
Each course has different requirements for materials. You may bring your own tools, or purchase them locally. Painting courses require students to buy the appropriate materials, most of which can be purchased in Gothenburg. However, we suggest, students purchase materials prior to arrival.